Processed with MOLDIV

Congrats Kristine on amazing results on my UAP!

Good to GREAT! Way to put in the work and trust the process! Down 2.3% Body Fat and 5.1 pounds in 6 weeks, Fantastic job!!

Beginning 119 lb 18.5%bf

Week1 118.6 lb 16.8%

Week2 117.3 lb 16.4%

Week 3 116 lb 16.9%

Week 4 116.2 lb 16.5%

Week 5 114.5 16.5%

End 113.9lb 16.2%


Who’s ready for another UAP Challenge coming 2017??? Take your body to another level, gain knowledge, learn the tools to get and maintain your results once and for all!!

Get your copy —-> HERE. Use “ULTIMATE2” for 20% off Today!