Your body is your temple and should be treated with the utmost respect! We often turn to bad habits or food cravings not because we are respecting the needs of our bodies but out of boredom, depression, regret, or rejection. It doesn’t even have to be a negative emotion, when it comes to food. You may be one to turn to food when you are in bliss and completely happy. At the root of many issues is our self-loathing at worst, our self-indifference at best. Food nor our choices are not the enemy, we are. Think about your temple with every single action or choice you make. If your choice isn’t serving your temple, break the cycle of depletion or over indulging and love yourself. This week, examine your habits. Are you honoring your body with your daily choices? The first step is acknowledging your choices and ensuring that they take you down the right path. Remember your body is your temple and should be treated as one!