Going through your day, there are so many times where you feel like you have just had enough. Maybe it is during a workout, you are starting to feel exhausted and as if you take one more step you are going to fall. You feel like you have reached your threshold but the question is, have you? No matter what you are doing, when you feel you have reached your limit, you have to dig deep within yourself to think again and ask yourself if this is a personal/mental OR physical barrier that is holding you back and keeping you from taking that next step?
Reaching our Goals takes pushing ourselves past our limits and overcoming those moments of weakness where we feel like we, literally, cannot push any harder! Have you heard of a long distance runner who says that there is a time, during their run, where they feel they can’t go any further; they feel they have reached their limit but suddenly, they gain a second wind!? Yes, I am sure you have heard of such situations. This is a runner who has pushed themselves past their mental barriers but kept going, putting one foot in front of the other. Before they knew it, they reached the finish line and, sure enough, they had it in them to complete the race! There body was physically capable yet their mind was trying to tell them otherwise. It is so common to allow our emotions and mental barriers to limit us from our potential. Reaching our goals it is about pushing yourself past your comfort zone. Our bodies are capable of much more than you could imagine but how will you know what you are capable of if you don’t step out of your zone and try? What sets You apart from someone else is your ability to push yourself into that area of discomfort to see what you are capable of! At the finish line, looking back on all those weak moments that you pushed through, are what makes your journey a life changing experience. Knowing that you had the power and strength to dig deep and take one more step, overcoming mental barriers will be the most rewarding feeling!
Today do something to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Whether it is doing an extra minute of cardio or an extra rep, when your mind is telling you you can’t, go for it because you CAN!