First of all, I want to thank those of you who joined in the G-Chat last night! Always fun to interact Live and from all over the world, literally!! It is a reminder that we are not alone and all in this together! As you travel down your own personal road, know that even if you are physically walking, at that moment, alone. In reality, you are not alone! There are so many people that support you and are right there with you, walking a similar path! It is common to often feel alone and as if you are in this journey all on your own. Remember that you are NOT alone. You are the one that makes things happen but it is the support, love, experiences and journeys of others that help you path your way. Things start to happen when we all join forces and use each others strengths and learn from each others experiences. We are in this together, no matter how many miles apart! As long as you stay focused and know that you are never alone, big things will happen! Keep up the great work!