Wow, where did the day go!? I swear, sometimes these days, I don’t think there is enough time in the day to fit it all in! Everyday is a new day to prioritize and find that perfect balance of what needs to get done and what can be gotten to as soon as you can… Started my day off with a nice warm bowl of oatmeal, a shake, (yes a shake, as I was desperate for a trip to costco) and a nice warm cup of delicious coffee!! Then to work on e-mails and an online interview I have been needing to finish. I got that sent off and felt accomplished. It was then off to walk Bruno before heading to the gym. Off to the gym it was where I did kind of a random upper body workout.
-shoulder press with dumbbell bicep curls combo with only 10# weights
-shoulder front raises with twist at the top so thumb pointing to the sky then palm facing down at the end…
-one arm dumbbell press
-lat pull downs
-one arm rows
-seated rows
-hanging leg lifts
Then it was off to train clients. My 10:00 client was actually a member, Cindy, from Chicago! It was awesome to meet her today and get to know her more than just on the forum! We had an awesome shoulder workout and I get to train her tomorrow and Friday! It is so nice to have you out here Cindy!! 🙂 We will be sure to get a few photos to post for everyone!
From the gym I came home for a quick bite, protein yam muffins, and then my client Jessica came over for our circuit workout. We trained and did a 30 minute circuit, focusing on the upper body. I will be posting that tomorrow for you all to try! Check out my trip to Costco, now posted. I love how after I finished the video I realized I was in the Maxi Isle!! lol 😉 Anyways, you can get an idea of what my cart looks like on my Costco Trips! Yes, that is 11 bags of green beans, no joke! From Costco it was home to finish up on e-mails and misc. correspondences. Hope everyone had an awesome day and now I am off to run a few errands before calling it a night! big hugs from not so sunny San Diego!