Each day we are leaning more about our personal game of life. We all have rules for ourselves and other players. What rules do you live by?
-Laugh Often.
-Give without the expectation to receive.
-Never devalue Time, time is the most precious commodity
-See the good in ALL situations
-Build quality relationships rather than quantitative ones
-Invest in relationships that involve: love, respect, trust and compromise
-Learn from the past, live in the present
-Respect and take care of your body
-Do something active everyday
-Smile to everyone you meet
-Judge nothing
-Dream bigger than you thought you could
-When you “fail”, embrace the lesson and move on
-Decide what success is to YOU, as that is the only thing that matters
-Do something for yourself, daily
-Constantly find ways to challenge yourself and improve
-Learn the power of forgiveness
-Life is not all about luck, rather when luck and hard work come together
-Learn the power of saying NO
-Accept change, change is good
-Appreciate the breath and Breath deeply!
-Do not take things to extremes
-Do one thing each day that scares you
-Focus on the small things, find beauty in the simple things
-Great love and great achievements involve great risk.
-Strive for relationships that are love based not need based
-Learn to cook and cook daily
-Visualize where you want to go, where you want to be, who you want to be, how you are going to get there
-Commit yourself and don’t look back
-Plan ahead
-Appreciate Life and ALL it has to offer
-Never discredit your abilities
-Compliment everyone you meet
-Compliment yourself, daily
-Treat others the way you want to be treated
-Treat yourself the way you want others to treat YOU
-Find courage to push yourself beyond your limits and to step outside your box
-Find the courage and strength to be YOU, not the person you think you should be or someone is telling you to be.
-Realize that happiness is not something you “obtain”, happiness is found within YOU
-Say less, do more
-Never speak or do too soon, think deeply before you make decisions
-Do not judge a book by its cover, everyone has a story
-Never take things personally, you never know what is going on in someone’s life
-Learn to to appreciate the power of silence
-Share your knowledge
-You are in control of how you see situations
-Nobody is in control of your life or your decisions but YOU
-If you want different results, change what you are doing
-To move forward, OWN where you are today
-Eat to nourish, replenish, and enjoy
-Eat because you can not because you cannot
-Start everyday and end everyday with a positive thought
-Appreciate those around you and give out gratitude for them, daily
-Love yourself first
-Accept others for who they are and who they are not
-Find balance in everything you do
-Surround yourself around people who you strive to be like and those that challenge you
-If you don’t like the situation you are in, get out
-In everything you do, focus on quality over quantity
-Learn that what is right for you may not be right for someone else
-Respect the decisions of others
-At the end of the day, remember the things that matter
-Believe in yourself and your abilities
What rules are you living by? Do you have a personal rule book? Think about it… If you had a “Rules to Life” book, for reference, how would it read. As you start your weekend, think about your personal rules. As you look back on your life, your experiences, what rules have worked for you or what rules would you like to add to your book…
There are so many books out there that tell you how you should live your life or the best ways to live a “successful” life but rather than depend on someone’s expertise and beliefs, come up with your own personal rules that you believe in!