Do you accept responsibility for your choices over the weekend or do you deny your choices? The weekends are great times to turn on the “relax” button and live a little. This doesn’t mean completely forgetting about your goals or fitness routine but this does mean allowing your mind to breath and your body to rest a little. More than physical, the weekends are a great time to allow your mind to let go of rigidity, structure and “have to do this at this time and this way”. Allowing your mind to take a back seat and learning to let go, it is amazing how beneficial your weekends can be. Letting go with the means to make smart choices and continue your activities but without structure or a plan. Going for a hike instead of a treadmill walk, going for a swim instead of hitting the step-mill, making some healthy waffles instead of your typical eggs and oatmeal, that is what the weekends are for! Now that you have turned ON your relax button, Monday hits and it is time to turn the bottom Off and get back to your focus and your intention. The goal of the weekends is knowing how to turn on the button and then turn it back off to get back to your weekly structure and goals. Did you turn on your “relax” button over the weekend? Hopefully you found some freedom of flexibility and now today, the button gets turned off and we will revisit it again next weekend! Here is to an amazing week ahead. Relax button is Off and we are back on!