Weird weather… geez the sun came out and it was gorgeous and now… back to the rain.
I got in an awesome workout today.
off the bench push ups- regular and reverse grip–5 sets of 15
incline chest press- 15# dumbbells- 3 sets of 20
tricep extension-30 lbs cable push downs-3 sets of 20
overhead extensions with 30# dumbbell –3 sets of 15
40 push ups off dumbells
1 mile run
I just had my chicken crock pot soup for lunch and it was mighty delicious. I have a quick video to post in a few. I am calling it a day and off to run to Costco. Another trip to costco to stock up on my lovely Green Beans and other veggies. Gotta love them!
Have a wonderful rest of your Monday everyone and we will be in touch tomorrow.
hugs G