Hello Hello!! First of all, welcome all new comers, welcome to our amazing Family!! We are creating quite a variety of women from the competitor to the non competitor, marathon runner to triathlete to those looking to just be in the best shape of their lives. We are all in this together and remember, this is a marathon not a sprint, one day at a time….
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~Carl Bard
The sun is finally here in sd and summer has arrived, better late than never! It has been gorgeous and so exciting to have our SD weather back!! I was stating to really wonder if we were going to miss summer this year!! Today went by fast!! Cooked up some zucchini loafs for my travels tomorrow and enjoyed some Swiss Chard, as seen in my previous post. I will say, not sure if it is the Rhubarb from yesterday or the Swiss Chard from today, but can you say… yes– Water Buffalo. Ladies, keep in mind that Swiss Chard is an amazing veggie but definitely higher in sodium than others, just FYI. I have had over a gallon of water, just trying to flush out the excess sodium.
I had an awesome workout today. 3 mile walk with Bruno, 1 mile run to warm up the workout then 10 rounds of thruster with 45# bar followed by 30 push ups — 10 x
followed by 50 GHD Sit ups (sit ups off the glute ham developer machine or hyper extension machine)
followed by 50 hyper extensions
That was the workout, yes took about 50 minutes total!
this evening finished up with a nice bay walk to call it a day! 🙂
Tomorrow is already hump day, can you believe that! I am headed up to the SF area tomorrow for a few days. I will be traveling tomorrow but checking in when I arrive. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening and until tomorrow but I wanted to offer some thoughts to ponder, as you lay yourself down to bed.
Even though we are heading into the middle of the week, are you someone who has a hard time getting your week started? Do you feel dissatisfied with where we are. Obviously you are embarking upon this journey to continue growing and learning how to improve your life, physically and mentally. It is normal to have those days that are motivating you to keep digging deep but it is also normal to have those days where you question what you are doing and why. Remember that motivation lies within you and it is all about your attitude you start your day with that defines how your day unfolds. Change how you see your day from something that you “have” to get through to something you “want” to get through.
Week after week we repeat the same goal of just wanting to get through the week. Those thoughts lead us to not taking action that can create changes in our lives. After all, how can we think about taking action when we are just thinking about getting to the end of the week. As we approach our lives in this manner nothing changes.
It’s time to change your thinking. By changing how we approach our week we will create new behavior and actually start seeing changes. As things change we will naturally get excited about our lives. Starting tomorrow, get excited to conquer your day. Tell yourself that it is not just another day you “have” to get through but Tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day that change will begin.
Change begins the moment you decide and you take control. It is your choice, you can let life control you or you can attack your life. Be a fighter and fight for a better life and decide that things can change but it all starts with your attitude.
The exciting part is that the moment you decide, change will start happening. So stop complaining that you are not happy with different areas of your life and dread the upcoming days. Don’t get overwhelmed by change, remember, it doesn’t have to be huge. It all starts with little things; eat a little better, do a little exercise, smile more, sleep longer and take that initial step.
As Walt Disney said, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
Start doing and get motivated because there is a great day ahead. Every day you are creating new positive results by changing how you approach your day.
Sleep well and tomorrow, start your day off with a positive attitude and motivated to make a change.
Remember, this is a marathon NOT a sprint. One day at a time… making progress!
Good Night Family!