Some people call it genetics, I call it Devotion! Over the years I have NOT been perfect but I have been consistent! For me it’s not about perfection or extremes, it’s about establishing the tools to help me navigate any situation & keep me ‪#‎devoted4life‬! Once you have your little “tool chest”, nobody can take that from you! I used the same underlying principles to keep me motivated & digging deep when I was competing, pregnant or now as a busy working mom of 2. It’s not about what this person or that person is doing, it’s about learning what works for YOU & what ignites your inner fire! My tool chest is packed with tools but a few key players are…
1. Compare yourself to nobody but yourself! It really is about being the best version of YOU daily! Compete with yourself & that is that!
2. No regrets! Every and I mean every experience there is a lesson to learn… The things that worked & may not have worked. Never sit back with the “shoulda, coulda” because in every situation, good or bad, it makes you stronger and who you are. Even if you don’t know what the lesson is, I promise it will surface at some point.
3. Dig Deep! Know that you have it in you! I promise you do! It’s about digging deep within you to discover that fire! It may be dormant but when you dig deep enough, you will find that fire & that is all you need to keep you going & striving for more.
4. Something is better than nothing, Less is more! It’s not about going to extremes rather it’s about doing a little bit every day! My workouts are often only 5-10 minutes but something is better than nothing & it all adds up!
5. When you stumble it is imperative that you brush yourself off & get back up! It’s all part of your journey. If you pick yourself up & keep moving forward, that is All that matters! You have no idea how many jars of peanut butter I have dusted in one sitting but I never let it get the best of me! Keep moving & not dwelling on the things you cannot change rather things you have control over…
I could go on and on because I am so passionate about this lifestyle and ALL that it can offer ALL areas of your life!  When you you have your go to tools, no matter where you are in your journey or what you are facing, you WILL succeed! Learn more about the tools that have helped me and thousands of others HERE.