1 set of 15 reps for each exercise and 30 second rest in between exercises…
1. Body weight squats
2. Tricep Pulldown with reverse grip
3. Push-ups off 5# dumbbells
4. Dumbbell Renegade Rows (as seen in circuit… push up off 5# weights with staggarad feet, then balance on one arm and with opposite arm perform a one arm row)
5. Bench Step Ups
6. Dumbbell bent-over rows
7. Jump Squats
8. Hanging leg raises
9. Lunge walk while holding plate locked out over your head
10. Ab crunches–50 reps (only exercise to perform 50 reps)
11. Dumbbell stiff-leg deadlifts
12. squat press with 35# straight bar
Have fun!!
Fifteen to twenty minutes of good old low- to moderate-intensity cardio.