Hello Family! Just a brief update before signing off for the evening! Hope everyone had a fabulous day and the Mike Shehee story gave you that extra push when you needed it most! It sure did for me. M and I just got back from a night walk/run and while running 2 miles, I felt it in me to take a break but I kept thinking of Mike running 64 miles a day, days upon days, and said, I can do it… Come on, Gina, it is only 2 miles, Mike is running 32x that and so I kept pushing! What an inspiration Mike is and such a fantastic story! I will keep you posted on my findings and word on the San Diego Street! Mike shows us how when you put all your energy on a single focus, you can accomplish your goals!
As Nido Qubein said, “Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all of your energies on a limited set of targets.” and William Mathews said, “The first law of success is concentration – to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor to the left.”
Remember that and success can be obtainable! We often try to focus on too many things at once. Remember that if you put all your energy into one single focus and goal, your much more powerful and can obtain your goal! Concentration is key! Think of starting a fire with a magnifying glass! If you focus the magnifying glass, in front of the sun, on a piece of dry wood and a newspaper, after a few seconds, you will start a flame! Yes, that is rights, start a fire without matches or a lighter! The Key is focusing the magnifying glass on that one small spot or else if you move the glass around, it will take a long time, if ever at all! Use this analogy while trying to remember your goals! You have to focus all your energy on one specific goal and you WILL accomplish your goal! Just like Mike, Keep your mind focused on your ultimate goal and don’t let anything get in your way!! 🙂
On another note, I had a fabulous day with an awesome shoulder workout and producting meeting with my webmaster. 🙂
Shoulder workout:
all 4 sets of 15
-squat front raise swings with 5# dumbbell
-standing press with 45# straight bar
-Arnold’s with 15#
-Front raises with 15# EZ bar
-single seated dumbbell press with 15#
-standing side laterals super set with front raises with 5# dumbbells
I finished up with clients before home to work before our web meeting. We just finished a walk/run and Dinner is being made…
What’s for dinner, Oh yes, Salad and Orange Rough in the Silva House. Keeping it simple 🙂
We had a great meeting with my Webmaster and constant chatter about improvements and revisions. As I am sure you all know, things take time so keep yourself seated while things are happening on the back end! Thanks for being a part of the team!!
Until tomorrow.