Hello Hello everyone!! Just shutting down for the night. Finished up a busy day with clients and working on a video, as you will see below. I received an e-mail from the producers of MTV’s MADE looking for a mentor/coach to help a high school young girl enter into the world of fitness, not only helping her along her journey but helping her with her self esteem and confidence. I had to do a video interview as part of the application process… We will see… Wanted to share the video with all of you as the initial process of the acceptance process.
Between getting my usual work done, errands, clients and the video the day flew by! I have some video shooting after clients tomorrow for some new additions to the site. I am excited to offer training videos that are coming soon 🙂
Today I got in a short and sweet workout as follows:
1 mile run
5 sets of straight bar, straight leg dead lifts
5 sets of single leg straight leg dead lifts with 15# dumbbells
1 mile run
Now off to eat my LIme Crock pot chicken for dinner and relax with the hubby!
night everyone! until tomorrow…

Untitled from Gina Aliotti on Vimeo.