
Thanksgiving Survival Tips

Be Realistic: Don’t set yourself up and say you are NOT going to eat a little something during the holidays! Shift your mindset towards moderation and balance and you will not let yourself down!

Make a Game Plan: With a little pre-planning, you can have a healthy and happy holiday dinner. Prepare yourself for what dishes you are going to try and those that you may say no to. If you are the host, you can be sure you have an array of healthy dishes but if you are not, just come up with a game plan before you get to the dinner.

Bring a Dish: If you’re not preparing the Thanksgiving meal yourself, ask your host if it would be all right to bring a dish for the family to enjoy. At least you know there will be something healthy to go with your turkey!

Be prepared to send people home with leftovers: If you are the host, send your guests home with those tempting dishes and desserts that may tempt you if they stay in your home.

Eat Slowly: It takes 15 minutes for your brain to register that you’re full. Savor your food, drink lots of water and slow down.

Eat Before the Party Starts: .Don’t go to dinner starving. Eat a healthy breakfast and eat every 2-3 hours, per my plans. You want to keep your metabolism up and you are less likely to overeat at Thanksgiving dinner.

Don’t stash your calories: Don’t stash calories thinking you can eat all your calories for one day in one meal! Eat your normal 5-7 meals a day and include your Thanksgiving meal as one of your meals! .

Control Your Portions: Balance and moderation are key! You can have a little bit of something sweet but just be sure to be smart and focus on portions! If pumpkin pie sounds good to you, have a piece just be sure it is a piece and not the entire pie.

If you go for Seconds, go for the protein and veggies: If you eat slowly and drink plenty of water with your meal and still feel the need for seconds, go for the white turkey and veggies rather than the mashed potatoes, yams and bread!

Finger Foods: If you must, nibble on veggies, nuts or meats but avoid the chips, crackers and cheeses.

Choose White Meat: White-meat turkey is one of the best low-fat protein sources for the dieter. Yes, the dark can be tastier but the white has less fat and calories!

Drink in Moderation: If you are drinking, opt to clear alcohols or a glass of red wine! Avoid sugary drinks at all cost!

Make Healthier Choices: Fortunately, many Thanksgiving staples fit well into a healthy diet. Turkey is a great source of protein, and sweet potatoes are loaded with fiber and vitamin A. Thanksgiving really is a dieters heaven. Just be aware of how the healthy foods are prepared and stay away with dishes loaded with sugar and creams! Avoid casseroles and dishes loaded with marshmallows!

Get Active: Do something active that day and even after dinner, go for a walk to help digest dinner. At least get in my November Thanksgiving Challenge for the day. These challenges were designed to help you stay active during the holidays! 🙂

Stay on Schedule: If you already maintain a fitness schedule, don’t let Thanksgiving derail it. Regardless, have a plan to get up the next day and get in a workout and get right back on your program!

Don’t Use Exercise as an Excuse to Indulge: So often people use extra exercises the day before, day of or day after to make up for all the food eaten during Thanksgiving. Rather than over do your working out so you can over do your eating, just keep in your normal activity and make smart choices. Balance and moderation are key!

Post Thanksgiving, get right back on track:  Don’t wait for Monday to get back on the wagon, jump on board Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. My 7 Day Body Blast is the PERFECT plan to detox and get you back on track. It was created exactly for times like this… When you may have had a bit too much or need that kick starter after some fun festivities.

Having a plan will get you right back on track so easy! Jump on board and detox your body with my 7 Day Body Blast click HERE to have your PLAN ready to go!

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Have a happy and healthy holiday!