Guilt Free Low Carb Sandwich

Guilt Free Low Carb Sandwich

Cravings crushed with this fantastic NO CARB Sandwich. Give this a try and let me know what you think! Ingredients: -1 scoop Angel Food Cake protein powder -2 egg whites -1/4 cup almond meal (or 2 tbsp almond meal for one fat serving = 9 grams) -2-3 cloves garlic...

Gluten Free Flax Bread

Bye Bye Bread NO More…. Bread use to be a major part of the everyday diet however there has been a shift and now it is seen as one of the foods you want to stay far away from. With gluten intolerances and the desire to stay away from processed foods, people are...

Mushroom Onion Scramble with Low Carb Bread

Yes, a new find… An AMAZING ONE… Julian’s Bakery, Low Carb Bread!! A must try and amazing find! Check out meal #3: 4 egg whites 1/2 c. sliced mushrooms 1/2 c. diced white onions 2 tbsp parsley 2 slices Julian’s Bakery Bread yummy! 🙂 Untitled...