Good Morning! Smile, it’s Sunday!! Hope you all had a well rested sleep and are ready to charge. For many, Sunday is a day used to prepare for the week. Cooking your meals, getting things ready today for tomorrow and the upcoming week. That usually makes things easier for us when we can prepare to be prepared! Taking that whole flat of chicken and throwing it on the grill or making a huge pot of brown rice to put in the refrigerator to last us the week. It can be much more time efficient and less stressful if we just spend a few hours a week, usually Sunday is a great day, and cook up your food for the week. With the BBQ smoking, the oven baking those healthy muffins, and your hand chopping away on those veggies, within no time, you are ready to package things up, clean up and move on with your day. If Sunday is already your prep day, have at it and if you are not one to usually prepare your foods, in advance, take today to give it a try and see how your week unfolds with everything ready to go! This can be a huge milestone in your daily success and in reaching our ultimate goals! The less we have to think about things, during the week, the better off we are at easing our stress levels and ensuring we stay on track with our fitness programs.
It feels great to be back, had a killer big Gina Salad last night and for the first time in a while, we hit the pillow before 9:30 p.m. It felt so great to sleep in our own bed, nothing like home sweet home!
Ladies, today I want you to smile, it is Sunday!! Smile when no one is around, smile when you are Preparing your food, smile when you are doing cardio, smile when you are out and about. Smile because it is Sunday and you are alive, healthy, and living this amazing lifestyle! Smile for who you are, who you have become, how far you have come, the progress you have made in your life, –mentally and physically–, the changes you have endured, goals you have reached and goals you are striving for, the support and love you have in your life— just smile for being who you are and who you aren’t!!! Have you ever really thought about how powerful a smile can be. A smile can not only change your personal attitude towards a situation and how you feel but a simple smile can change someone’s day! This tiny gesture can perk up a bad attitude, make you seem more warm and loving, and is contagious.

Yesterday, while ordering my amazing GA Subway Egg White Salad, I almost wanted to ask for a Smile with my Salad. I actually said it under my breath to Michael. One of my biggest pet peeves is poor customer service, it really irks me… Rather than letting it get the best of me, I decided to just smile and give her some positive energy, hoping that would change her attitude and make her day. She may of had a bad morning, not happy in her work environment, where she is, or whatever it may be, it had nothing to do with me but everything to do with where she was at, mentally. I couldn’t help but feel bad and simply got her talking, cracked a few jokes, and left her with a smile and you would be so surprised how her attitude changed. It was as if she hadn’t had someone be so jovial towards her!! It is so amazing to watch how such a few simple gestures and kind words can brighten up someone’s day! So the next time your faced with someone who may not be giving you the customer service you want, remember, remember how much you can change their day by offering a little piece of your positive attitude but just smiling! You’d be surprised how a positive face can in turn become a positive and motivational attitude that can change someones life, or at least their day!!

Smile, its Sunday! Smile, it doesn’t cost anything!! 🙂
Off to start the day, until later everyone… All aboard this Smile Train, hope on this Train is going places, smiling the whole way!!