Good Morning!!! It is Labor Day weekend, any plans… We have one girl, Megan Reynolds, gracing the stage at the North American’s today. Megan, you make me so proud. Megan started her journey with me about 3 years ago and her dedication, drive and commitment has been amazing and she has the results to prove it. It is all about our own personal commitments, desires, and accomplishments. To win or to lose? Of course, no one like to lose, right? But what is losing? Not taking first??? We have to remember why we set out to do what we do and be our personal best. If you can look back in your journey and say that you improved in some way shape or form, you won! I cannot stress this enough. You may improve your run times, your lifts, your ability to overcome cravings, or beyond that you may improve your overall way of thinking and mental state… Regardless of what it is you are improving and winning with each step in the game.
No one likes to lose. The excitement of victory after competition is a moment to remember. But remember, the wins that sustain the most significant, long-term impressions are the ones where you win against yourself. Being your personal best is what it is all about!! We live in a highly competitive world, and everything around us screams that we’ve got to be number one in order to feel successful. Remember though, what is “successful”. Everyone has their own definition and once you define it, you know what you are going after, regardless of anyone else!! Truly though, the best was to measure your success is by looking back at your past. Look back at the physical, spiritual and emotional sides of your journey, what you have learned, the mountains your have climbed, the hurdles you have overcome and do not compare yourself against someone else’s standards! We all have our own story and our own journeys that cannot be compared!
Set your own bar and go for it!!

Have a great day Ladies!!!
p.s. you MUST try my chewy oat and coconut bars 🙂