31. Even if your veggies say “pre washed” be sure to rewash them!
32. Bring a bag with you when going grocery shopping. If this seems like a daunting task with all your groceries, bring a few bags and save a few plastic or paper bags.
33. Review menu’s before eating out. Know exactly what and how you are going to ask for your meals.
34. Take a bath. Baths can quickly ease your mind, body and soul. When you feel stressed, draw a bubble bath and enjoy!
35. Challenge yourself to only spend money if you have cash.
36. Set aside some me-time. Each day, do something for yourself. In order to give yourself to others you must give to yourself first.
37. Practice listening, not talking.
38. Before making a decision, be sure to spend at least 5 minutes to think things through. And 5 minutes is being conservative!
39. Eat Raw. Try to eat as many veggies in their rawest state to get more of their nutrients. We all love our veggies cooked but a touch of raw for more nutrient value!
40. It’s spring, time to do a little spring cleaning! Take some time to de-clutter your house and closet and get rid of things that you have not used in the past 6 months.
41. Drink out of a glass water bottle.
42. Give without expectations.
43. Use fresh herbs instead of dried to add that extra bit of flavor to your dishes.
44. Make it a point to complement anyone and everyone you come in contact with. A small compliment can make a persons day and even their year! A compliment goes a long way!
45. Expand your vocabulary by learning a new word and using it daily. They say it takes using a new word 3 times before it becomes a part of your vocabulary.