1. Wake up Early! Wake up with the sun. Something about waking up with the sun increases energy and starts your day out right!
2. Start your day with a positive affirmation. Tell yourself how beautiful you are or what an amazing day it is going to be.
3. Take a few minutes to gather your thoughts and set the tone for the day. These few minutes will carry over into the rest of your day!
4. Be grateful for the day and everything you have. There is so much to be grateful for!
5. Get up and get out. Start your day is some form of activity to get your metabolism going and get your natural endorphins kicked in. This doesn’t necessarily mean heading to the gym but could mean a walk outside, home video, simple sit ups or push ups. No matter what it is just do a little something to get your metabolism going.
6. Eat breakfast. Eat a serving a protein, complex carbs and healthy fat first thing in the morning. Fruit is also a great addition to a healthy breakfast. No matter what, eat something and Break your Fast!
7. BYOM: Bring your own meals. Headed out for the day, don’t forget to bring your own meals. Not only will you save money but save yourself those extra calories from eating out. Prepare your meals in advance!
8. Tell your loved ones how much you love and care for them. Express your gratitude to those you love, daily!
9. Write a thank you note to someone. Everyday there are so many people we want to thank. Each day, pick someone to drop a little note and express to them your thanks for everything they do or maybe just because!
10. Smile. Smile to those you run into. Stranger or not, a simple smile can make someone’s day! Smile to everyone you see.
11. Drink water. Have water on hand so you remember to drink your water. Drink at least 1/2 gallon daily and aim for closer to a gallon.
12. Sit up straight. Sitting at a chair or walking around, be mindful of your posture. Sit up or stand a little taller!
13. Never take things personally. No matter what, you do not know what is going on in someone’s life, never take anything to heart or personally.
14. Do one thing that scares you daily. One thing, just do something that scares you.
15. Breath. Take a few moments, daily, to focus on your breath and breath deeply.
Stay tuned for Part II tomorrow…