and the evening comes to an end and we settle down for the night. Hope everyone had a great day. I had an interesting day. I woke up with my body feeling just flat out tired and worn down. I thought it was just mental but by the time I made it to the gym, I could do nothing but stretch. I have been having intense workouts and my body is tired. I took today as an off day. Even though it is Monday and the start of the week, every week carries over to the next and I realized I trained 6 days last week and today I was hit hard by bricks. I got in 3 miles of cardio with Burno this a.m., running part way and come time for my workout I was done. It felt good to stretch and be there to Spot Michael. When I don’t feel guilty about it, that is how you know you are listening to your body and doing what you know is best. That is a good lesson. If you feel guilty, it is most likely mental, if you don’t feel guilty, it is most likely no mental and physical! You learn something new everyday about yourself. On another note, something else I learned today… Okay so I cook up all my meals at once, for a few days, and usually I cook up a ton of one thing and make varieties of that one thing. I have been on this Orange Roughy kick and been eating it like it is going out of style but let me tell you, my body is not agreeing with me right now. I am so bloated and holding water. WIth that being the only thing I have done differently, must be the roughy. That is what is neat, as you get to know your body and learn how it responds to different things and what is normal and not, you may feel uncomfortable but you don’t have a freak out, like you may have before you started to get to know your body! What I have decided is to take things out of the freezer for the next day or two days but not cook up the same thing for most of the week. I would rather take out a variety to have ready for the week… salmon, turkey, chicken, tilapia, roughy, etc. Rather than a big bag of roughy and cooking that up. I Tend to cook up the same thing and switch up how I prepare it for each meal and also with the help of egg whites and shakes, it works out just fine but the roughy and me are not agreeing right now… ahhhh I feel like I am 3 months pregnant. You know Orange Roughy has an oil that is non digestible so that is what is going on. Usually it is not an issue but yoru body is constantly changing and what may have not affected you at one time, can another time.. it is a constant learning experience, let me tell you!! Anyways, I have cut out the roughy for a while and are going to switch things up with egg whites, tilapia and 99% lean ground turkey and see how I feel in a few days. We are headed to Monterey for our post wedding reception on Thursday so I have to get rid of this feeling by Friday!! It will just take a few days and I will be back in action… The feeling of bloat just makes me feel heavy and uncomfortable so even though I know what it is it is just an uncomfortable feeling… but it will pass.
Tomorrow hoping to wake up feeling light and not as physically tired as I was today. The good news is I have been having great workouts but on the flip side, boy has my body felt the pain!
Getting stronger mentally and physically with each day.
Hope you all are feeling great and If I can suggest one thing, take note of your body, how you feel, what affects you, the more you write and keep track, the more you can look back and see patterns and how things affect you (good or bad). I have journals upon journal with entries explaining how I feel with every situation you could imagine from workouts to diets, specific foods, relationships, business situations, just about everything. Journaling is KEY and can help you on your way and success. As you learn your body and what works best for you, journals allow you to look back and find specifically what is doing what.
Keep in mind, your body is constantly changing but the more you can learn the better.
until tomorrow, as we continue on this journey and learning experience!
sweet dreams