Hope everyone slept well! I have been up at my usual time, between 2 & 3 p.m. Think this may be becoming a new routine. Then back to bed though so biggie. Again, waking up before my alarm, gosh my body is like clockwork! Sounds like it is a beautiful day all over the world and everyone is already out accomplishing big things… One day at a time…
I really want to focus on our topic and chat about your own identity because I think this is such a huge and important topic that correlates with the rest of how you live your life! I really want everyone to think about the topics and ideas we have discussed and think about the question, Do you know who you are? Do you know what you represent? or are you just a feather in the wind, landing where ever the wind puts you?
In today’s world and with all the culture that surrounds us, daily, it is so common to get lost in surface identity. It is way to easy to subconsciously adopt someone else’s value and belief systems without even knowing it. When that happens, you start to lose the one thing you have complete control over, YOU–your unique self. People who are truly individuals are ones who are true to themselves. Create your own value and belief system and see the mental and physical strength you gain by doing what you create, not what others are creating for you! Invest in yourself, it is the only thing that you have complete control over!
“Some people are carbon copies. Others make their own impression.”
Something to continue thinking about as we continue on our journey!! Love you all
Happy Tuesday!