Hope everyone had a great day! My day started out a little rocky, as I had to get blood work done for my routine check-up, since I am switching doctors, so what did that call for…. Morning Fasting, ohhh no, yes that means coffee too!!! Yes, threw a little wrench into my morning routine but guess what, I checked it off the list! Checking in at the counter, it was amazing how slow I was with my responses to the clerk. I am sure you all can relate! I am extremely slow without my coffee, oats and protein, lol. We are such creatures of habit, aren’t we!? As long as our habits are healthy ones, no biggie… Needless to say, the moment I stepped out of the office, it was meal #1 and straight to Starbucks I went. I had quite the adventurous weekend, check out my video for the full report 🙂
“Know your limits…but never stop trying to exceed them.”
Did you do something today that scared you??? Did you step out of your box or exceed your limits?? Fear no more…. Sometime you just have to make the leap of faith and go for it!!
Thought for the evening….
Do you have personal “stop signs” that you are adhering to?? Many of us use our “limitations” as a stop sign for reaching our goals. What is holding you back from reaching your goals? How can you push beyond your comfort zone, in a healthy way of course!? Many people experience such limitations in on their weight loss journeys or other journeys they are embarking upon but you don’t have to!! Let go of any limitation that may be holding you back and take that leap… Our bodies and minds are capable of overcoming much more than we could ever imagine if we just try. Today set new goals that may push you a little. Overcoming your personal hang-ups and fears may be one of the most rewarding choices you’ll ever make!
Until tomorrow…
good night team! xo