Are you ready for a challenge? Are you ready to see what you are capable of doing and learn how you can build your mental strength? Everyone has their own ways of coping with and or combating mental blocks and what works for one may not work for another but a very useful tool has been proven. That tool is Yoga! The practice on your mat will transpire into ALL areas of your life, building mental strength and a strong connection with mind-body connection. Yoga is based on the premise that mind and body go hand and hand and one cannot excel without the other. It is built on the foundation of balancing both mind and body. Yoga keeps you in the present moment and forces you to build mental character and strength because without it, yoga is impossible. This strength carries with you throughout your day and throughout your life.
Those of us on the path to leading a meaningful and worthwhile life acknowledge the need for a well-rounded life. A big part of this is creating a life in which there is mental strength and peace in conjunction with physical strength. The key here is it all begins in the mind so that is where you must start… Yoga is a very useful tool in striving for this balance.
Typically most beginners’ yoga classes start with breathing exercises, this deep breathing is the foundation. The breath is what soothes your mind, body and soul. It is that breath that allows you to break through barriers, focus, stay grounded, be present, create balance and so much more…. Breathing and breathing deeply is a big part of understanding your body and what it is capable of. Concentrated breathing, with the properly timed and executed inhale-exhale rhythm, goes a long way in stabilizing and focusing our minds. It helps us avoid chaos in our thoughts and daily actions which enables us to take on mental barriers. When you think you can’t do something, breath and breath deeper, let those feelings and thoughts go and go for it!
Yes, we can breathe without thinking about it, of course, but yoga requires us to think about it because we do not breathe to our full potential at all times. Most of us go through life with shallow breaths, and while that is enough to survive or exist, we are not taking charge of our deep potential for leading a full life. When you take the time to concentrate and focus on your breathing, you are forced to be in the moment and present. How often do you take the time to focus and just be? Not too often but yoga forces you be present and there is deep meaning in that. Deep breathing and concentration work very well for handling those everyday mental blocks we strive to overcome.
Yoga may not seem like much of a workout but think again! We are here to create mental and physical strength. Yoga does target the mind but don’t underestimate the demands it places on the body. It may not be the same as running or lifting weights but it has its physical and mental benefits that go beyond any other type of workout. It is about connecting with YOU, connecting with your mind and building inner strength, that foundation that will allow you to evolve to your fullest.
Yoga involves NO judgment and offers the flexibility for you to create and enjoy your own practice, one that is unique to you and what feels good for you and your body! Where else in life can you go where there is absolutely no judgment and it is you vs you!?
All those interested in taking on the challenge and experiencing the underlying benefits of yoga jump on board!! If you understand the importance of physical exercise in your life, which we all do, now it is time to take on your mind and build the mental strength that will enhance your physical self, taking you to that next level.
March Madness is about building this inner mental strength. Join us in our 21 day Yoga Challenge. For 21 days, starting March 10, we are taking on the challenge and going for it! What does that mean? Yes, yoga for 21 days straight… This is quite the challenge but 21 days of training your mind will last a lifetime so what is 21 days…
March 10th through the 31st, we are taking on this challenge and going for it! We would love for you to join us in our challenge, the support is going to be key! Start browsing your options for a local yoga class or even a take home dvd that you can rely on. No matter what it is, in person or virtual, commit yourself to daily yoga or at least meditation and capture all the mental benefits gained!
Mark your calendars, March 10th the challenge begins… Are you willing and ready to commit yourself?