You’ve had a long day at work. Either you’ve been sitting at a desk all day or standing on your feet for a ridiculous amount of time. Whatever you’ve been doing, you may be feeling body aches and lower back pain.

Sitting or standing for long hours can cause a lot of pressure and tension on your lower back. Rather than counting down the minutes until you can lay down in bed to just relax, it’s important to be reduce any tension and lower back pain with some simple yet restorative lower back stretches and postures.

Check out some of my favorites lower back stretches to keep your lower back happy and healthy and avoiding any unnecessary lower back pain and tension.

G-Fit Lower Back Stretching Routine 

1. Gentle Back Bend

Start kneeling on a mat. Interlace your fingers over head then gently fall back. For a modified variation, use those arms to hold your lower back as you gently fall back to feel a nice stretch in your lower back.



2. Full Camel Pose

Once your back is warm, start kneeling on a mat then slowly lower back into a full Camel Pose, bringing your arms to touch your heels opening up your heart towards the sky. Push your hips forward and feel the nice stretch in your lower back and upper chest. Slowly, just as you went into the pose, bring yourself back up to the starting position.

3. Cat Stretch

Sit on your heels with your chest on your knees and arms straight out in front of you. Reach forward as much as you can while keeping your glutes attached to your heels. Feel the nice stretch in your back and upper chest. Breath deeply into the pose then slowly walk your hands back and guide yourself back up to a seated position.

4. Lying leg Extensions (Single & Together)

Lie on your stomach with your your arms extended in front of you and legs fully extended behind you. Bring your arms under your hip flexors with your palms facing down. Slowly lower one foot up off the mat then lower and raise your opposite foot up of the mat. When you are ready, guide your hands closer together than as you exhale, keep your forehead on the mat while bringing both feet up off the mat towards the sky. Feel the stretch in your lower back then slowly lower your legs back down to the mat.

5. Table Top Leg Extensions

On all fours, lift up your left leg and point your toe behind you and feel the nice stretch in your lower back. Move on to reach out your arm while lifting your opposite leg behind you. Elongate your body while alternating between right arm, left leg and left arm, right leg, slow and steady.

6. Table Top with Alternating hand extension

On all fours, lift up your arm while lifting your opposite leg behind you. Elongate your body while alternating between right arm, left leg and left arm, right leg, slow and steady.