We all have our own kaleidoscope and see things completely differently!

When you look through your kaleidoscope, what do you see? Do you see possibilities or potential problems? No matter who you are or what your IQ level is, if you only see problems, obstacles, and potential road blocks that may get in your way or hold you back, it will be hard to succeed! If you continually think of reasons why you will “never” reach your goals, that negative thought will keep you from reaching your goals. When you think of your goals, what do you think of? How you are going to make it happen or things that may get in the way? To reach your goals you must believe in yourself and have the confidence that you CAN make it happen. Think about your goals and what pops in your head!? If it is possibilities you are in a good place. If it is potential problems, you need to re-look through your kaleidoscope and see all the possibilities that lie within your future!!

Possibilities or Potential Problems, you get to decide…