How often have you wondered or asked yourself “Why me?!” When you are looking for answers or simply cannot understand why something is happening or has happened, it is common to wonder WHY! Some things we will never understand and never have control over but wheat we do have control over is how we look at those situations. Isn’t it interesting how we always tend to ask that question in an unfortunate situation but how often do we ask “WHY” when something good happens to us?! We usually feel that we have deserved it with our hard work, patience, persistence, the power of our mind, commitment, etc. We believe that we should be happy, because we have been a good person, paid it forward and worked hard. On the other side of the coin, when things happen to us that we don’t like, we don’t understand and start to question…
If we can understand a few principles maybe we can put that question to rest and just learn to accept…
1. There is no guarantees in life
Ups and Downs are part of our journey through life. We all have to embrace moments of joy and happiness as well as the moments of tears, sadness, pain and confusion. We all face ups and downs, in different ways. There is no guarantee of what those ups or downs will be but the guarantee is they are both a part of life and completely normal.
2. Everything that happens to us happens for a reason
Everything that happens to us is a part of “our journey”. You may not understand nor see how things are all connected but they are! Everything has a role in our journey and happens for a reason. One day you may see the connection between situations and maybe you wont but if you just accept that things do happen for a reason, you can learn from them and be at peace.
3. Don’t resist change because things happen for the better
Rather than try to resist or avoid situations, if we can learn to accept and change our perception, things don’t have to be so bad. Sometimes we have to hit the bottom to make changes, understand what it is we want out of life, learn to appreciate, continue to grow and become better individuals. As we continue on our journey, it may become evident that things sure do happen for the better. Don’t resist change or get stuck on the question “why”, rather just trust in the plan that has been mapped out for you and enjoy the journey!