What did you learn about yourself this week? Every day, we learn something new? Sometimes we learn from events, and or people, and don’t even realize what it is we are learning until we sit back and reflect on our encounter. Everything we do in life, allows us the opportunity to learn and grow. One lesson, one experience, leads to another and another and shapes who we are and who we are becoming. The more we can be open to accept lessons learned, the more we can move forward confidently, knowing our direction. Rather than being told what the lesson is in each situation or encounter, learn what the lesson is for you? We can all experience the same situation and take something different from it. Try not to be subject to learning what “should come out of situations” and rather discovering what you were able to take from its situation. There is always something to be learned! The common denominator for all successful people is having the ability to find their own discovery and growth from each situation and learn! This past week, what did you learn about yourself? What experience were you faced with that made you grow or discover a new lesson you will carry with you forever? Please share your stories with everyone, hey we all have something to learn…