Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! Mine couldn’t be better! It is nice to have my mom in town and to just enjoy each others company. Even thought we live so close (about 3 1/2 hours), we don’t see each other too often with our schedules but realizing that we have to MAKE more time. We have the power to change things, just like we have the power to make more time to do the things that are top on our priority list and Family is at the top… Make time for those you love, regardless of the distance or your schedule. Health and family… At the end of the day, that is what matters…
Yesterday after working with clients, worked a little bit and then just QT with the dogs and mom the rest of the day…. My mom brought her dog down…This is Bruno (Rhodesian Ridgeback) and my mom’s dog Reggie (Standard Poodle).

Too cute right, well this was ONE of the moments caught on camera where they were actually behaving 😉
Been off line quite a bit, just enjoying company and QT. Tomorrow, right back at it moving on with our goals for the week! What are your weekly goals, think today about what this week will bring… As you prepare for your week, get excited and don’t fret “getting back on track” or “starting your plan tomorrow”. For some reason, Monday can often seem like a refreshing start and new beginning OR others see it as a day where the week “begins again” (with a sigh) Ladies, use Monday as an exciting day to Refresh and take control of your week! Set your structure and how you want your week to unfold. Find ways to incorporate activities and foods you enjoy into your weekly program. Remember it is about making healthy choices and not about avoiding certain foods at all costs!! Starting any fitness program is something that needs to be enjoyable! Getting healthy is not something you should look at as a chore; it’s something that can be a fun and tasty! Monday is a day to start a new life for you! Use today to plan your week and how your life is going to change tomorrow!! Make ONE change to your program that is going to make you that much more successful.
Think about it… what step or change are you going to make this week to help you move closer to your goals… Think about it, write it down and stick to it….
Have an amazing rest of your weekend! Spend time with those you love & cherish those moments!
until tomorrow…