Did you wake up excited to take on your day!!! Your glass is half full right!?? No matter what yesterday brought you, you, right now, have the power to decide how your day is going to unfold. Your current state of mind and attitude will directly affect your day! How do you want your day to look? Be sure that every morning you are waking up ready to tackle your day with your glass half full! You are the only person responsible for how your day is going to evolve and that all begins with the moment you open your eyes! Your thoughts are basically the foundation of your life. Everything is built upon them. This brings us back to that idea of confidence. It all starts in your head!! Have you ever seen someone who, if you had to be honest, was maybe not the most beautiful person you have seen, but their confidence made them downright gorgeous?!? Whatever you believe, you are! Stay positive and have that confidence because what you believe you ARE and it all begins in your mind and thought processes!! Build within your mind a strong image of the person you want to be: Physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.
If you can imagine it, you can become it.
I love this quote …
“You and I are not what we eat; we are what we think.” – Walter Anderson
Today I really want you to practice ALL positive thinking! Find a way to flip a thought into a positive! When the very next negative thought pops into your head, replace it with a positive thought. You are that typewriter, remember!!!

If you begin to beat yourself up about something, flip the negative thought into a positive one. Instead of saying, “I’m not seeing progress in my body and I am working so hard!!!,” say, “I’m getting more physically fit every day and I am living the lifestyle!”
Instead of saying, “There are so many things I don’t know,” say, “I’m learning new things every day!” Flip that cup around and see things in a different light….

As you continue on this marathon, be on the lookout for negative thoughts. Don’t let them get in the way of your progress or break your stride. Simply push them out of the way, erase them and replace them with a positive thought.
You are the only person responsible for your attitude and where your life is taking you so take control of your mind and grab your cup and let’s go. Beware because that cup is full so slow and steady, one step at a time…
Have an rockin Wednesday!!!