Good Morning Everyone!!! Hump day AGAIN! Wasn’t it just yesterday that it was hump day!?? Looks like we are mid week, we are mid tackling another week! WOW, the week is flying by and it has been an awesome week! Super busy but getting a ton of things done and making lots of progress with the site and checking things off my list!!
Had an awesome day, yesterday! I took yesterday as my OFF day, as I did the Yoga in the morning! It completely knocked me out! It is amazing how YES it is NOT your typical gym workout but let me tell you, it is quite a workout! Sweating like crazy and having to mentally focus, takes you to a whole other level and causes your metabolism to spike! I was a super hungry all day! I had quite a varitey of foods on my menu, it felt great!
meal 1: oat and protein
meal 2: omelet with veggies 🙂
meal 3: same as meal 2 but with 2 slices Ezekiel bread
meal 4: ABSOLUTELY TO DIE FOR… CLAUDINE’S DESERT: 1/2 c. cottage cheese, 1/2 scoop protein powder, 1/4 c. berries, 1 tsp cocoa and I added Flax Almond butter– Okay seriously to die for!!
meal 5: protein shake
meal 6 and 7: cabbage/broccoli slaw with 5 egg whites
You have to try my meal #4– Claudine’s Dessert (yes, I was the Guinea pig!) I added the flax nut butter and it gave it that added extra kick! Loved it and what a healthy/balanced meal!
I posted a brief article on Breathing Tips for Relaxation. I really want you to attempt to give these tips a try. It is so important to have your moment for YOU! Your moment to just be. I cannot tell you how wonderful yesterday’s Yoga class was! I left feeling literally drugged! All day I was totally calm and just powered through things I had to do, stress free, and just at ease! We take things for granted, such as our natural breathing mechanism but please, just try to focus on your breath for a few minutes each day and see how this not only elevates any unnecessary stress but helps you obtain your goals by keeping cortisol levels low! Just give it a try….
We talk a lot about grown up topics here, all amazing and deep topics (for the most part), now today I want you to remember the importance of keeping that child innocence and never give up that sense of appreciation for the small things. Another words, it is important to never be “too grown up”. I remember posting about walking Bruno and watching in in awe over a flying butterfly or sitting and watching kids play and see the things that they are in awe about! I am sure, especially since several of you are mothers, you see this everyday! You see your children get so excited over a paper bag or bucket of sand or even just a beautiful bird! Children are so innocent and are so convinced of their ways and trust their own instincts. This is a great lesson to be learned to A) never stop appreciating the small things and B) Trust your instincts!
For a child, Clearly if it tastes good, it must be good for you! … remember those days where you were so innocent you may have thought the exact same thing! You weren’t thinking about carbs, fats, calories, how things will alter your mood or cause you to retain water, were you?? Imagine that?? Can you even remember the last time you ate or did something to enjoy, not thinking about anything else but the taste, smell, feeling, etc?? Remove all thoughts and just have that child’s naive, innocent pleasure of life and see how it feels? Reflect upon the simple pleasures of carefree living. What can you do to indulge yourself in a healthy way?
What about doing one thing today or this week that bring you back to your childhood days??
Put down the bills and laundry and have a puppet show. Take a trip to the park and swing on a swing set or jump on the bed (okay maybe not). Not only will you burn off some energy, but you’ll also be taken back to an innocent, worry-free time in your life. A time when you wore pajamas with feet and weren’t such a big girl. Remember the importance of an occasional childlike moment, these are the moments we have to cherish and never forget!
Have an amazing day!!!