Good Morning and hope you are well rested to end the week, making a mark in history!! Were you a fan of history class?? I have to say I never was a big fan but now making history is a different story! Everyday you are making history! Are you making your own history or allowing other people to making your history!?
When you choose a direction and dedicate yourself to it, you make history. When you listen to other people’s comments and allow them or their words to direct where you go and convince you, you allow others to make your history for you! When you set your priorities and stick to them, you are making your own history. History that will not be forgotten by you and possibly others but the bottom line is you are making your own history book! Don’t allow yourself to get distracted with the wants, needs and desires of others, stick to what you want and how you want to make a mark in history! When you decide to have a good day, you create a life you want. When you allow outside forces to dictate your mood, wants, needs, desires, and where you are going, you are allowing others to define your history! Do you want to write your own biography or have someone write it for you…?
“The Journey of Gina, By Gina Aliotti-Silva” OR “The Journey of Gina, as seen by Joe Shmo”
My history lies in the hands of ME, not Joe Shmo! Does your history lie in the hand of you or are you allowing someone else to determine your history? Think about it! Be one to stand up tall, think for yourself, follow YOUR path, your desires, wishes and make it an unbelievable journey and make your own history!
We are making history everyday! Let’s make a mark in our book and tomorrow look back and reflect on the marks we have made and continue doing so along this amazing journey!
Make it a great day!