Good Morning!! Wahooo Friday is here and our first week of August is down! How did you roll into this month? You may be on a roll or you may be experiencing problems with your acts of discipline… How is your discipline these days? Creative a healthy lifestyle and embarking upon a journey to get you in the best shape of your life requires discipline to the 10th power!! Discipline is something some are better at than others and just like anything, takes a lot of practice to perfect, although perfection is far from reality…. Discipline is easier than it sounds. Discipline is nothing more than choosing while considering all the consequences of making that choice. Everyday we experience choices and we hope that our discipline kicks into gear, 9x out of 10 but it doesn’t always work like that? What causes us to know consequences for certain actions or decisions yet choose to go against our will? Everyday, we have to practice and test our discipline. Your coworker invites you out to lunch but you have told yourself that you are going to go to the gym at lunch or the break room offers pieces of chocolate daily but you know those fat filled morsels are not on your menu, what do you do? Do you take your friend up on her lunch invitation and do you go after just one morsel?? Think about the consequences and go beyond that and think about the aftermath of those consequences. Was the few seconds or minutes of bliss worth the hours or often days of repercussions?
Discipline is a matter of controlling the mind and choosing the action that is going to benefit you in the long run. By choosing your actions you can choose your results. By choosing your actions you can choose the life you create for yourself. Remember, we all are in control and have the power. Discipline is something that should not be looked at as a burden but as an opportunity to test yourself, grow and experience the power you have of self control and personal self awareness.
Choose in each moment to exercise the control that is already within you. Live each moment but think about

Enjoy your friday, make smart decisions and practice the power of the discipline that lies within us.
Happy Friday!
until later, enjoy your day~!