Good Morning! With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I don’t know about you but it makes me really reflect on ALL the things we have in our world to be thankful for! It is so important to reflect but when the holiday approaches, even if you are not a regular reflector, it forces you to take a moment to think…
SO often we live in a world of wanting more of ourselves, constantly improving ourselves in all areas of our lives. Remember the whole Kaizen principle: Constant Improvement….That is all good to keep us striving and becoming better, stronger and more complete individuals but what about taking in what we have and how fortunate we are for the things we have created and those around us! If you think about it, people get so let down if they don’t achieve what they set out to achieve or get what they had in their mind to get. People want more “stuff”, more excitement, more pleasure. If you continue to want want want, are you ever going to be satisfied with what you have have have!? Take away the want or need to get better, just for a moment, and realize that everything you could ever want or need is right there in front of you.
This doesn’t mean that you stop setting goals and striving for an improved lifestyle but it does mean that you take a moments, often, to appreciate your life, YOU, and those special that get to share it with you!
As we finish up our preparation for the Holidays, whether you are staying in town or heading away… Thanksgiving is a special day to give Thanks! I want to Thank you ALL for being a part of our special network! We are so grateful to have you here, to be able to share, experience, learn from one another, and just share this amazing lifestyle with everyone here at
Thank you all for being a part of this amazing Online Fitness Network we have all created!