Good Morning Ladies, Tuesday and the last day of the month… Tomorrow we begin a fresh new month, can you believe it is September already?? Where did the summer go!? Ladies time flies! What does that mean? No matter what, time is going to pass so why not utilize that time. Think back 2 months ago… Now we are where we are today, August 31st, you either made progress or maybe you have put it aside, telling yourself “tomorrow, tomorrow”. Now imagine, the months have passed and looking back, wow, if you wouldn’t of put things aside, look at the progress you could have made and how much closer to your goals you may have been. Now on the flip side, if you have taken advantage of this precious time, look at where you are and how far you have come. Now looking back, yes you had your challenges and tough times but you made it through and wow, it flew by! You can do this, what is another day, another week, another month, shoot what is the rest of the year?? Especially if you find the ways to utilize our tools here at, you can enjoy your way through time and to your personal success!

Now as you gain your personal success, do so confidently! There is a difference between ego and confidence. I always tell my clients this! You have to hold your head up and be proud, not cocky but proud! Walk with confidence, be proud of who you are, what you have accomplished and being a part of this amazing lifestyle that we are creating! Having confidence in knowing what you can accomplish is an important part of life. In the same breath, exuding an ego driven aura is NOT what we are talking about. How do you know when you’re crossing the line into building an ego? Someone who is always bragging about themselves or THEY are the focus of every conversation and topic is what we are talking about.

Not only does this get old but it is down right annoying to hear someone constantly talk about them. I am sure you know these types of people…. Now, no reason someone can’t pat themselves on the back and be proud but there is a difference in openly constantly chatting about themselves vs. having a insouciant approach. Instead of bragging about your accomplishments, why not share your story, your ups and downs. People are more inclined to listen to you and want to know more, if you approach things in a more veridical/genuine approach how you got there or the people that helped you along the way. Share your story without making it all about you. Take the focus off of yourself for a moment and think about how your success can be a tool to help others achieve the same. Have confidence but shed the ego, you will get a lot farther! Having that confidence to carry you through, everything you do, will allow you to continue to proceed up your mountain! You have to have confidence in yourself and with that confidence, hold your head up and be proud!!!
No matter what, if you are confident, you ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!
Have a happy Tuesday and be that confident person you are!!!