Good Morning Family! How is everyone doing??? Only 2 days left of August, are you ready to end the month with huge strides?? I am sure you had an amazing weekend and are all prepared with your meals, food is packed and your mind is in a great place to Bring It!!! Monday matters, remember that… The way you start you week is going to shape of the rest of your week unfolds!
Today, focus on all the things you are excited about. Start with a positive affirmation! Start by telling yourself right now and then every morning when you wake up and before you go to bed! Whatever that may be, think of something positive and write it down. Think of a personal affirmation that supports your goals and discipline. How are you going to follow through and make that happen?? For example, tell yourself: “I CAN DO IT! I am disciplined and committed to achieving my fitness goals! As tough as it may be, at times, I am Mentally Strong and Can do it!! I will stick to my plan!”

Say your affirmation out loud, better yet, record yourself and load it into your phone to listen to it when you have down time or a time you feel like you may fall off track. Now that you know what it is and you have it in your mind, on paper, and reordered, now it is time to get to work… The work has to be implemented but remember the seed has to first be planted in our heads! It is the power of our subconscious minds that helps jump start our direction and keep us focused on our goals! Only feed your mind the positive affirmations that are going to direct you towards your goal. Monday matters, remember it all begins with right now….
Life is in the journey, not the destination, so now that you know where you are headed, take it one day at a time. Go slow, do it right, and make your changes permanent! Slow and steady, that is how we are making this a permanent lifestyle! There are others that are right here with you!!! I’m so excited to have all of you amazing motivated ladies in and active in our Forums to help each other out! There are times when other members of the family really need the extra motivation to keep up them digging deep. All of your support is helping each other more than you know! We are all in this together and knowing that you have a “sista” right there with you to pick you up and better yet who understands, is comforting and helping you continue to reach higher!! Thank you all for all your continuous support you are giving one another!! The power of all of our positivity is what is making macro lifelong changes!!!!
Happy Monday!!