Hope everyone slept well! It is FRIDAY… I was SO tired last night! passed out on the couch and then when came to bed was out like a light! making up for the lost sleep from the night before.. Needless to say, refreshed and ready for this amazing Friday! Headed off to start the day. This evening we have a mini date night planned. Funny, M and I have both been cravings something and Sushi has sounded really good! Looks like we are going to be grabbing some delicious rolls this evening! Boy, we haven’t had sushi in a long time!!! We have some delicious restaurants here in SD! Can’t wait for sushi!! Anyone else have any delicious healthy refuel fun meals planned?? I know NIkee is having a birthday…. any other events this weekend?
We are all working so hard at our fitness goals and other personal growth goals. Hard work is paying off! Hard work proves our true character… There are those that “turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.” Be one to turn up your sleeves and dig a little bit deeper. You may get dirty along the way but the dirt has never looked so good, felt so good or tasted so good!
Your goals must be important to you, something YOU want. They all require hard work, no doubt! Think about this…. If you could put one person in charge of your most personal, biggest goal, would you hire someone who looks for the easy way out or just talks a good talk? Or someone who takes action and does whatever needs to be done to make it happen? Be that same person that you would hire… Show up every day, ready to take it on! You can do it!!!
Have a beautiful day everyone!
something to think about…
It is common natural to make assumptions or think about things in a certain way… rather than “think you know”, why not let go of your presumed thoughts and ask to get the truth…?
“It is always better to ask questions than to make assumptions. Have the courage to ask questions until you are as clear as you can be. Once you hear the answer to a question, you won’t have to make assumptions because you will know the truth.”