It is Monday, is your plan of attack for this week ready to roll? Remember Monday Matters and our week begins today, right now and how we start our week, mentally and physically will be the outcome of how our week unfolds… Let’s start it out right and on a positive note! We talk so much about “success”, remember, your personal success is unique from everyone so taking a moment to reflect on how and what you are going to do to be a success is important. What does it mean to you and how are you going to keep momentum going to continue to strive for your own personal “success”. For one success could be getting up early or getting to the gym one day more than they did last week. For others it could be successfully planning and packing their bags for an international trip! What does your map look like for the week….

Whatever success is to you, Monday is the day to regroup and pull things together. No matter what, to achieve our goals it involve a lot of hard work, time, overcoming of obstacles, and dedication but it is about putting our plan in action and mapping out our plan of attack that allows us to keep moving forward! Success just doesn’t appear out of the blue and you can’t expect it to just fall into your lap. It takes time, energy and often tears to reach it. Set your goals, formulate a plan for getting from point A to point B (and C, D, E and F), and go for it! Let your determination, perseverance and drive be the foundation for lying one more brick down and digging deep! Remember Monday matters and Monday builds the foundation for the rest of your week! Let’s map out our plan of attack and go for it!!!

We all had a busy and great weekend and now another week upon us! Ladies, get up, get moving, and let’s do this!