Good Morning Family!! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and are ready to get this week started with a bang! Lots of success was in the air, this weekend! Let’s carry that success throughout the week and as we continue to conquer July with a big bang!
I know several of you are traveling this week and if not traveling this week, traveling sometime in the near future… Traveling, oh yes traveling… the big questions of how to travel and still eat clean and healthy, right? This is a common question and one we touch on all the time. It is so important to be overly prepared for your travels because of the lack of healthy food options that are available to us, on the road or in the airports! Think about those meals or snacks that you get served on a plane! They are completely unhealthy and totally disgusting, to say the least! Okay not do we face a lack of healthy options, on the road, in the airport or on a place, but a recent RDA report revealed how airline food could actually be contaminated! An article in USA TODAY revealed that meals served on major airlines are prepared in unsanitary and unsafe conditions that could make you sick!!
The FDA has cited numerous catering facilities, that prepare airline food, for suspected health and sanitation violations!! They found live roaches in the kitchens of the catering facilities! We are talking the 3 largest caterers who provide meals for nearly all big airlines such as Delta, American, United, US Airways and Continental.
The FDA reported that several facilities store food at improper temperatures, use unclean equipment and employ workers who practice poor hygiene. At some, there reported cockroaches, flies, mice and other signs of inadequate pest control!!!
“In spite of best efforts by the FDA and industry, the situation with in-flight catered foods is disturbing, getting worse and now poses a real risk of illness and injury to tens of thousands of airline passengers on a daily basis,” says Roy Costa, a consultant and public health sanitarian.
This is just ANOTHER reason to be overly prepared and pack your healthy bites —– not only are you living the lifestyle and sticking to a healthy plan, but you are avoiding getting sick with contaminated airline food!!
On another note happy and healhty note…
Let’s continue to enjoy the marathon, as we strive to attack our fitness goals and reach for our own personal mountain tops! Life is like a marathon. Not only is it a constant jog and not a sprint but we run and run, not knowing where (or how far) the finish line lies. Remember, we don’t always determine the distance, but we can ALWAYS determine the path.
“You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.”~Shira Tehrani
Today take Control because you are in control! Let’s continue on this journey, running our marathon, allowing constantly plugging along and digging deep but determining our own path!
Have a beautiful Monday everyone!