Gina’s Full Body New Year’s Circuit Workout


The holiday season is definitely a time where we are searching for ways to add more hours to your day. Typically, the first thing to go is your workouts. I want to share with you a great holiday circuit that doesn’t require a ton of your time and sure doesn’t require you going to the gym, which will shave off time and allow you more time to continue with your holiday fun.

Checkout my Full Body No Gym New Year’s Circuit Workout that will leave you feeling amazing and ready to take charge of your day. I promise you, if you add this workout to your fitness routine, you will love yourself (and me) for it. The best part is, you can do it at home and with NO gym necessary!

Band bicep curls

Start standing on an exercise band with your feet about shoulders width distance apart and holding either end of exercise band down by your sides. As you exhale, curl the bands up until your arms are parallel to the ground and biceps engaged. Be sure to keep your core tight and exhale as you raise up into the top of the bicep curl. Hold at the top of the rep for 2 seconds then drop your hands back to the starting position and repeat the movement until you have completed 10 reps.


Band Crossover Curls

Start standing in the same position as you did for the Bicep Curls except this time bend your knees bent and leaning slightly forward. Curl the band to your opposite shoulder one at a time. Curl right arm to left shoulder, back down then repeat on other side bringing left arm to right shoulder. Repeat until you have completed 5 reps on each side for a total of 10 together.

Band Single Shoulder Press

Start standing with one food on an exercise band and opposite foot slightly behind you where it feels comfortable yet you are stable in your stance. Position your foot so you have enough resistance to feel the press yet not too much to where you cannot press all the way up. For more resistance step higher on the band and for less resistance allow for more distance between your foot and hand that will be performing the press. Hold the ends of the band in each hand, then press the exercise band over head into a shoulder press. Repeat the movement 10x then repeat on the other side.
















Band Low side to side squats

Place a resistance band around your shins then drop down into a squat position with your thighs as parallel to the ground as possible. Staying in a squat position, step to the right, bring foot back to middle, then step out with the other foot and repeat until you have completed 10 reps with each leg, stepping from side to side.
















Lying band “open shut thems” or Band Abductors

Lye on your back with your knees bent and a resistance band along your quads. Lie your hand along side your body and start with your knees and feet together. Keep your feet together then open your knees out to the side of your body and hold for 2 seconds then bring knees back to the center to touch. Repeat this movement until you have completed 10 slow and controlled reps.










Floor butt blasters

Start on all fours up on your hands and knees. Keep your right knee on the ground and kick your left heel up to the sky, keeping your foot flexed. Squeeze at the top, then bring your leg down to the starting position and repeat 10 times. Be sure to keep your glutes and hamstring activated and tight during the entire exercise. Keep your abs in tight so they are not drooping to the ground. This is a slow and controlled movement and you will surely feel the burn with each kick!










Floor Elevated Hamstring Curls

Start on all fours up on your hands and knees. Keep your right knee on the ground and lift and straighten your left leg until it is completely parallel to the ground with your toe pointed. While keeping your leg lifted bring your toe in towards your glutes then back out, performing a hamstring curl on that one side. Keep your toe pointed and squeeze your hamstrings throughout the exercise. Repeat until you have done 10 slow and controlled reps then repeat on the other side. Be sure to keep your glutes and hamstring activated and tight during the entire exercise. Keep your abs in tight so they are not drooping to the ground. This is a slow and controlled movement and a great way to work your hamstrings with no machine necessary!










Plank Side Leg Extension with Crossover

Start in the top of a plank position with tummy tight and upper body engaged. Step your left foot out to the side of your body then bring your left foot over your right leg to touch the opposite side of your body. Do 10 reps then repeat on the other side. This exercise definitely works the core so if you need to drop down to a forearm plank, that is a great way to modify the exercise.










Rest 2-3 minutes then repeat the entire circuit 1-2x. Have fun and Dig Deep!


Join my FREE New Years Challenge and let’s workout together! 6 weeks of No Gym Workouts + so much more! Join HERE.