Workout of the day:
Lot of walking….
3 mile walk with my dog
4 mile Bay walk with a GF
p.m. walk with my dog 🙂
Shoulder workout
all 3 sets of 15
Dumbbell presses
Side lateral raises with front raise
Machine Shoulder presses
Single Shoulder press with palm facing face
Meal #1: 1 cup wheat bran & 6 egg whites
Meal #2: Quest Bar and Cantaloupe
Meal #3: Chicken Wraps over bed of Romaine Lettuce with 1/2 avocado and tons of mustard 🙂 with side of tomatoes and roasted bell peppers
Meal #4: PF Changs Gina Special Chicken Wraps (Ginger Chicken with side of Asparagus and Brown rice)
Meal #5: Zucchini with Protein shake & 1 tbsp chia seed