Hope everyone is having a wonderful friday! The day has flown by and finally getting fully into the swing of things… Next week will mark a new fresh week, just as if I had never left town, right back at it, cooking in the kitchen, podcast, etc. Which reminds me…. let’s do some member questions for our next podcast… I will start a thread for you to start posting your questions.
Had a productive day and the sun came out after yesterdays rain so it was a great day! I just posted my WOD, as you can see, started my day with a killer workout! Amazing how one of those high intensity workouts really gets your heart rate up and metabolism going for the day! I have been starving all day and before my “next meal” time, between meal 2 and 3, thank gosh I had a Quest bar in my car because I literally thought I was going to pass out! That is how you know your metabolism is in full gear and your body is just a machine!!
Had my shake and oats this a.m. with 20 almonds then a delicious simple post workout meal (one of my favorites) egg whites with 1 stevia and cinnamon, an apple and 2 tbsp Nuttzo –SIMPLY AMAZING– 🙂

then was out and about and had to have a my Quest Bar, then 5 oz chicken with broccoli and 1/2 c. brown rice and as for dinner and the rest of the day… still undecided! Metabolism is in FULL gear today, that is for sure!
Congratulations to Erin for being the winner of the Eat, Pray, Love contest and winning an IPOD Touch!!
Signing off for the evening and until tomorrow… have a wonderful Friday evening and a happy healthy dinner!