You are on a healthy nutritional program and trying to optimize your health but are you really? You may be eating clean but does that mean that you are assimilating your foods properly and digesting them optimally? Not necessarily! There is such thing as good and bad bacteria that sits in our gut. Yes, we need the good bacteria in order to help us get the most out of our foods, properly digest nutrients and deliver vitamins and minerals into our cells! You can be eating really healthy and a clean diet but that doesn’t mean that you are getting the most out of your wholesome nutritious foods! It is important to not only take a look at your overall health but the health of your gut! Did you know that your digestive tract contains more than 400 types of “friendly” bacteria? This good bacteria, commonly referred to as probiotics (which means “pro-life”), help reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. If you are facing digestive issues, bloating, gas or just feel a lack of energy, you may need a little “gut therapy” and incorporating probiotics into your daily programs may be just what the doctor ordered! There are so many health benefits of probiotics and they are just as important as getting in your daily multi vitamin, vitamin d, calcium and essential fats! Below is a list of some of the common health benefits of Probiotics and why you should really consider them in your daily supplementation!
-Protect against infection
-Enhance and boost the immune system
-Promote and improve digestive health
-Alleviate diarrhea caused by antibiotic treatments
-Promote urinary and genital health
-Assist in the management of inflammation
-Help alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance
-Improve some types of eczema in infants and children
-Reduce cholesterol levels
-Decrease the risk of certain cancers
-Enhanced immune system response
-Increased ability to digest food
-Therapeutic for viral respiratory tract infections
-Increases ability to assimilate the nutrients from food
-Alleviates many common digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea and IBS
-Acts as a remedy for bad breath (halitosis)
-Increases ability to synthesize vitamin B
-Increases ability to absorb calcium
Have you been convinced yet? You can find probiotics in supplement form or also in certain foods such as yogurt, milk with added probiotics, Fermented milk such as sweet acidophilus milk, butter milk, Goat’s cheese, Kefir and other fermented foods such as Kimch or Sauerkraut. Many common leafy greens are also excellent sources of probiotics. The best greens for increasing probiotics include chlorella, wheat grass, and spirulina. The advantage of getting these disease-fighting bacteria from green sources is that these foods have so many other benefits being so high in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. If you are not one to eat fermented foods or dairy, and even if you do eat leafy greens, you may consider a probiotic supplement.
Keep in mind, Raw (unpasteurized) yogurt is loaded with bacteria. Most yogurts today are pasteurized and these bacteria are killed. However, some friendly bacteria are added back. If you do opt to eat yogurt and get your friendly bacteria, look for a yogurt that contains the “live and active culture” sign on the label. Pay close attention to the expiration date because these live bacterial cultures can diminish with time.
If you prefer to use a Probiotic supplement, they are available in a variety of forms, such as freeze dried powder, capsules, wafers, and liquids. You want to be sure the supplement is regulated by the FDA, is a reputable company, and has a large amount of bacteria present. Be sure to avoid probiotic supplements that have sugar or glucose in the ingredient list. Both sugar and glucose actually slow the growth of healthy bacteria.
Why not give some fermented products or a reputable probiotic supplement a try today? You will not only feel better but that questionable bloat, IBS or other symptoms you may be facing may be cured all in protecting and taking care of your gut!! Get the most out of your clean eating and healthy choices by allowing your body to assimilate the nutrients optimally! GO out and get your healthy bugs today!