Quality over quantity and finer things over an abundance of “things”. If we can learn to develop a taste for the finer things in life, you realize that more is not always better yet a little of the best will satisfy any craving. Developing a taste for the finer things in life makes you appreciate every bite, so to speak. Learn to develop a desire and taste for finer things and don’t settle for less. This goes for every area of your life from friends to foods and everything in between. You deserve quality because you are quality. If you treat yourself as you are and not settle for anything less, you will start to realize that less of the absolute finest of things in life get you further than an abundance of mediocre things. When you have a craving for chocolate, have the best darkest oz of antioxidant rich antioxidant cocoa there is rather than a block of milk chocolate. When you search for friends, search for the one that is of highest quality rather than the ones that may just be nice, if you know what I mean. there is a difference between good and great! Learn to appreciate the quality and demand GREAT and you will start to only attract Great. Living a life of minimalism yet full of finer, quality things make you feel more lively, fulfilled, complete, accomplished, and pure. Do not rely on “quick fixes” to improve your life rather take your time to go for the finer things but less of them!
Keep in mind, fine taste does not equate to increased monetary output rather conscious input! 🙂
Go after today with the upmost desire and taste for finer things and see how much finer you feel!