G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the day Part 1: 10 crossover lunges with Bulgarian bag 20 pulse squats with Bulgarian Bag 10 thrusters 10 knee to opposite elbow 10 1/2 burpees Repeat 4x rest then move onto part 2…. G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 2: 10 crossover kettle bell...

G-Fit Buddy Workout Of the Day

G-Fit Buddy Workout of the Day 1 mile run Circuit: -10 back lunges with knee to chest -buddy squats, 2 squats, switch with partner, repeat 10x -15 decline push-ups -1 minute high knees -10 side lateral raise superset with front raise Rest and repeat circuit...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: 10 push ups with knee to chest 5 Wall sit bicep curls 5 wall sit side laterals 5 wall sit front raises 30 second wall sit Rest and repeat 4x CHECK OUT MY NEW ULTIMATE ACCELERATED PLAN! 6 WEEKS NO GYM NECESSARY! INCLUDES 6 DIETS AND 36...