Daily Motivation
Patience, do you have any? Patience is a special valued virtue that not only brings about great results but sets us apart from the next. Yes, of course, we all want results and things to happen yesterday but the reality is, things take time. Are you willing to put in...
Daily Motivation
Did you wake up with an optimistic attitude and ready to conquer your day, your week? Happiness is a choice and it is up to you to how you feel, right now, at this moment, is up to you. How you feel is your choice. You choose to feel this way or that way so how do you...
Daily Motivation
You have big dreams, big goals but do you have a plan? Yes, it is that time again to remind you to evaluate your plan! Your wanting, wishing and dreaming about something in life is not enough to achieve it. The Secret says you have to believe it and put it out there...
Daily Motivation
In our life we are often faced with the choice: to take an easy road or to take the harder less traveled road. Which path do you tend to take? Most people choose the easy road where the expectations are there and there are people right there in their footsteps. But we...
Daily Motivation
We commonly procrastinate or put things off by saying “It will get done eventually” or “Someone else will do it” or “I’ll do it later”. Wrong, later or eventually never comes, others don’t “do” and things...
Daily Motivation, Motivational Videos