Pre and Post workout Nutrition

If you’re going to invest the time to put yourself through a productive workout, then its essential to nourish your body with the right foods both before and after a workout! Depending on what your goals are, your choices may be different. If you are trying to...

cherrios and protein

Post Workout Meal, better than your usual Protein and oats… A bowl of whole grain cereal is as good, and in some cases better for for recovery after exercise than some of the typical post workout recovery drinks. Cereal is an awesome post workout meal that I...

Gina Aliotti on Diets

Setting up an entire diet based on percentages doesn’t really have any relevance to what that person actually needs. To me a diet based on percentages is old school and everybody’s diets should vary based on their activity and bodies! A diet consisting of...

Unhealthy Skin? Look Within….

Over the years your bodies become walking autobiographies, telling friends and strangers alike of the minor and major stresses of your lives. Did you know that our skin is our body’s largest elimination organ? In fact it’s our largest organ period. Weighing up to nine...

creatine and women

Creatine & Women Creatine is well-known for enhancing strength, increasing muscle mass, and improving exercise performance, yet women are either afraid to take it or don’t know enough about it to try. It is a common concept that women think creatine is only for...