Daily Motivation, Motivational Videos
The choice is yours! How bad do you want it? Your choices today help you determine your future and the life you want to live. You can make the choice today to change or evolve the future you dream of having. Sometimes this can seem overwhelming, what are the steps to...
Daily Motivation, Motivational Videos
We all have different things that motivate us and push us past our limits. As you know, it is my believe that that inner strength is so much of what allows us to accomplish our goals and reach our dreams. Through the process, we become better, stronger, accomplished...
Daily Motivation, Motivational Videos
People do not like to take risks but without risks, you can potentially let valuable opportunities pass by. It is human nature to want to only take risks if they offer the safe and comfort of having a guaranteed outcome. If that was the case then it wouldn’t be...
Daily Motivation, Motivational Videos
“If the first thing to do when you wake up in the morning is eat a live frog, nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day!” No matter what your day consists of or what tasks you have at hand, there are always those things that we dread doing or seem to sit...