Good Morning Bellas!! Wow, what a busy few days getting ready for my travels. I am headed out today and will be returning 09/26 and back on the site Monday 09/27. I want to wish you all my best and keep each other going in the forum! Keep rooting each other on, keep OWNING IT, and stay motivated! Remember to take some time to join me and EAT, PRAY, LOVE. Don’t forget, share your experience in each area, along with photos, in the FORUM and I will be taking all of those that participate and placing your names in an automated raffle to see who wins a FREE IPOD TOUCH! 🙂 I will load it up with all my podcasts and special photos and it is yours to enjoy!! Please have fun, be MINDFUL and enjoy those three areas to EAT, PRAY (dig a little bit deeper within yourself) and to LOVE. What not a better way to enjoy this amazing balanced lifestyle! EAT, PRAY, LOVE!!
No matter what, traveling overseas or traveling 20 minutes, once again, well prepared! Have to Have to have your essentials with you at all times. With a 20 hour total travel time, door to door, you HAVE TO BE PREPARED. Not to mention, can you really eat out 5-7 times a day, NO. Brought my essentials:
(VITAMINS, OF COURSE) Just the core: Vit. D, Multi, EFA’s
Ready to go and take on this Voyage! 🙂

We all want change and to better ourselves. Owning up to where we are and ready to change and constantly improve. Remember that work Kaizen.. yes, constant improvement!
The question lies in, are you taking appropriate steps towards your goals and improvements? The reality of life is that we need to change something in order to get a different result. Be sure your desires are being followed by a plan of attack to tackle your goals! OWN IT, SET THE PLAN, CHANGE THINGS THAT ARE NOT GETTING YOU WHERE YOU WANT TO GO AND GO AFTER IT!
Think about what you would do if you set out your list of goals and plan of attack, were ready to take on your challenge and guess what, had a third party right there with you, watching you every step of the way… Imagine a Gina in your corner at all times… How would you act and what decisions would you make?
I bet you would….
START doing the things you say you need to do.
STOP doing the things you know you shouldn’t be doing.
and would then:
MAKE monumental changes quick!!
I promise, this is ALL possible through the discipline and accountability. Remember I am right there with you and will ensure you achieve your goals, just have the discipline and hold yourself accountable! You can do it Ladies!!!
Keep up all the great work, dig deep, OWN it and stay consistent!!
Until my return!!