Good Morning and if you haven’t already started accomplishing your day, here we go, as we get ready to begin!! Today I want you to remember the good times and rather than looking back and regretting anything in the past or that may have not been so good… take a moment to learn from the those past experiences.
Use your past memories as a source of learning! Don’t stress over your mistakes and punish yourself for things that didn’t go as planned. Don’t stress about “shoulda, woulda, coulda”. What good does that do??? Revisiting those past experiences, that maybe didn’t go as planned can cause you to fear possibly making another or the same mistake. The key to making meaningful changes is to pay more attention to the the PRESENT moment. Some of the best athletes don’t dwell on the past but rather they concentrate on making corrections and getting the next one right. A “failed attempt” is forgotten and they don’t fear trying again. If you mess up, work hard to leave it behind and concentrate on the possibilities yet to come. Tomorrow is much brighter when your not focused on yesterday.
Enjoy your Tuesday and Present and nothing in the past but learned experiences! 🙂