A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 single bicep curl with press -10 alternating shoulder presses -20 side leg lifts -10 tricep kickbacks -10 overhead extensions with front press Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep! *35 weeks...
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Articles
Gina Aliotti’s 3rd Trimester Circuit Workout and Importnat Reminders As I am now deep into my 3rd trimester of pregnancy, I wanted to share with you a few 3rd trimester reminders and a lower impact circuit workout. As my baby and belly grows, there is no reason...
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Motivational Videos, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit workout of the day: -15 Bent over Bicep curls -10 alternating reverse grip side lateral raises -15 bent over rows -10 alternating diagonal front raises Rest and repeat 2x Dig Deep! *34 weeks pregnant
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Motivational Videos, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-fit Workout of the Day: -10 squat with leg lift -10 single shoulder press with rotation -10 single front raises with rotation -10 leg lifts off exercise ball -10 leg lift pulses off exercise ball Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep!! *34 weeks...